Source code for labdrivers.oxford.ips120

"""Module containing a class to interface with an Oxford Instruments IPS 120-10.

This module requires a National Instruments VISA driver, which can be found at

    resource_manager: the pyvisa resource manager which provides the visa
                      objects used for communicating over the GPIB interface

    logger: a python logger object

    ips120: a class for interfacing with a IPS 120-10 magnet power supply

from datetime import datetime
import time
import logging

import visa

# create a logger object for this module
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# added so that log messages show up in Jupyter notebooks

    # the pyvisa manager we'll use to connect to the GPIB resources
    resource_manager = visa.ResourceManager()
except OSError:
    logger.exception("\n\tCould not find the VISA library. Is the National Instruments VISA driver installed?\n\n")

[docs]class Ips120: def __init__(self, GPIBaddr): """Connect to an IPS 120-10 at the specified GPIB address Args: GPIBaddr(int): GPIB address of the IPS 120-10 """ self._visa_resource = resource_manager.open_resource("GPIB::%d" % GPIBaddr) self._visa_resource.read_termination = '\r' self.setDisplay('tesla')
[docs] def setControl(self, state=3): """Set the LOCAL / REMOTE control state of the IPS 120-10 0 - Local & Locked (default state) 1 - Remote & Locked 2 - Local & Unlocked 3 - Remote & Locked Args: state(int): the state in which to place the IPS 120-10 """ assert type(state) == int, 'argument must be integer' assert state in [0,1,2,3], 'argument must be one of [0,1,2,3]' self._visa_resource.write("$C{}".format(state))
[docs] def readField(self): """Read the current magnetic field in Tesla Returns: field(float): current magnetic field in Tesla """ self._visa_resource.write('R 7') self._visa_resource.wait_for_srq() value_str = return float(value_str.strip('R+'))
[docs] def readFieldSetpoint(self): """Read the current set point for the magnetic field in Tesla Returns: setpoint(float): current set point for the magnetic field in Tesla """ self._visa_resource.write('R 8') self._visa_resource.wait_for_srq() value_str = return float(value_str.strip('R+'))
[docs] def readFieldSweepRate(self): """Read the current magnetic field sweep rate in Tesla/min Returns: sweep_rate(float): current magnetic field sweep rate in Tesla/min """ self._visa_resource.write('R 9') self._visa_resource.wait_for_srq() value_str = return float(value_str.strip('R+'))
[docs] def setActivity(self, state=1): """Set the field activation method 0 - Hold 1 - To Set Point 2 - To Zero 3 - Clamp (clamp the power supply output) Args: state(int): the field activation method """ assert type(state) == int, 'argument must be integer' assert state in [0,1,2,3], 'argument must be one of [0,1,2,3]' self._visa_resource.write("$A{}".format(state))
[docs] def setHeater(self, state=1): """Set the switch heater activation state 0 - Heater Off (close switch) 1 - Heater On if PSU=Magnet (open switch) 2 - Heater On, no checks (open switch) Args: state(int): the switch heater activation state """ assert type(state) == int, 'argument must be integer' assert state in [0,1,2], 'argument must be one of [0,1,2]' self._visa_resource.write("$H{}".format(state))
# TODO: add timer to account for time it takes for switch to activate
[docs] def setFieldSetpoint(self, field): """Set the magnetic field set point, in Tesla Args: field(float): the magnetic field set point, in Tesla """ MAX_FIELD = 8 assert abs(field) < MAX_FIELD, 'field must be less than {}'.format(MAX_FIELD) self._visa_resource.write("$J{}".format(field))
[docs] def setFieldSweepRate(self, rate): """Set the magnetic field sweep rate, in Tesla/min Args: rate(float): the magnetic field sweep rate, in Tesla/min """ self._visa_resource.write("$T{}".format(rate))
[docs] def setDisplay(self, display): """Set the display to show amps or tesla Args: display(str): One of ['amps','tesla'] """ assert display in ['amps', 'tesla'], "argument must be one of ['amps','tesla']" mode_dict = {'amps':8, 'tesla':9 } self._visa_resource.write("$M{}".format(mode_dict[display]))
[docs] def waitForField(self, timeout=600, error_margin=0.01): """Wait for the field to reach the set point Args: timeout(int): maximum time to wait, in seconds error_margin(float): how close the field needs to be to the set point, in tesla Returns: (bool): whether the field set point was reached """ start_time = stop_time = start_time + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) while < stop_time: field = self.readField() set_point = self.readFieldSetpoint() if abs(field - set_point) < error_margin: return True time.sleep(5) return False