Source code for labdrivers.oxford.itc503

import logging

import visa

# create a logger object for this module
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# added so that log messages show up in Jupyter notebooks

    # the pyvisa manager we'll use to connect to the GPIB resources
    resource_manager = visa.ResourceManager()
except OSError:
    logger.exception("\n\tCould not find the VISA library. Is the National Instruments VISA driver installed?\n\n")

[docs]class Itc503: """ Module to connect to an ITC 503. Modes supported: GPIB :param gpib_addr: GPIB address of the ITC 503 """ def __init__(self, gpib_addr=24): self._visa_resource = resource_manager.open_resource("GPIB::%d" % gpib_addr) self._visa_resource.read_termination = '\r'
[docs] def setControl(self, unlocked=1, remote=1): """Set the LOCAL / REMOTE control state of the ITC 503 :param unlocked (int): 0 to lock, 1 to unlock :param remote (int): 0 for local, 1 for remote :return: None """ state_bit = str(remote) + str(unlocked) state = int(state_bit, 2) self._visa_resource.write("$C{}".format(state))
[docs] def setTemperature(self, temperature=0.010): """Change the temperature set point. :param temperature (float): Temperature set point in Kelvin (default: 0.010) """ assert type(temperature) in [int, float], 'argument must be a number' command = '$T' + str(int(1000*temperature)) self._visa_resource.write(command)
[docs] def getValue(self, variable=0): """Read the variable defined by the index. The possible inputs are:: 0: SET TEMPERATURE 1: SENSOR 1 TEMPERATURE 2: SENSOR 2 TEMPERATURE 3: SENSOR 3 TEMPERATURE 4: TEMPERATURE ERROR 5: HEATER O/P (as %) 6: HEATER O/P (as V) 7: GAS FLOW O/P (a.u.) 8: PROPORTIONAL BAND 9: INTEGRAL ACTION TIME 10: DERIVATIVE ACTION TIME :param variable (int): Index of variable to read. """ assert type(variable) == int, 'Argument must be an integer.' assert variable in range(0,11), 'Argument is not a valid number.' self._visa_resource.write('$R{}'.format(variable)) self._visa_resource.wait_for_srq() value = return float(value.strip('R+'))
[docs] def setProportional(self, prop=0): """Sets the proportional band. :param prop (float): Proportional band, in steps of 0.0001K. """ self._visa_resource.write('$P{}'.format(prop)) return None
[docs] def setIntegral(self, integral=0): """Sets the integral action time. Args: integral: Integral action time, in steps of 0.1 minute. Ranges from 0 to 140 minutes. """ self._visa_resource.write('$I{}'.format(integral)) return None
[docs] def setDerivative(self, derivative=0): """Sets the derivative action time. Args: derivative: Derivative action time. Ranges from 0 to 273 minutes. """ self._visa_resource.write('$D{}'.format(derivative)) return None
[docs] def setHeaterSensor(self, sensor=1): """Selects the heater sensor. Args: sensor: Should be 1, 2, or 3, corresponding to the heater on the front panel. """ assert sensor in [1,2,3], 'Heater not on list.' self._visa_resource.write('$H{}'.format(sensor)) return None
[docs] def setHeaterOutput(self, heater_output=0): """Sets the heater output level. Args: heater_output: Sets the percent of the maximum heater output in units of 0.1%. Min: 0. Max: 999. """ self._visa_resource.write('$O{}'.format(heater_output)) return None
[docs] def setGasOutput(self, gas_output=0): """Sets the gas (needle valve) output level. Args: gas_output: Sets the percent of the maximum gas output in units of 0.1%. Min: 0. Max: 999. """ self._visa_resource.write('$G{}'.format(gas_output)) return None
[docs] def setAutoControl(self, auto_manual=0): """Sets automatic control for heater/gas(needle valve). Value:Status map 0: heater manual, gas manual 1: heater auto , gas manual 2: heater manual, gas auto 3: heater auto , gas auto Args: auto_manual: Index for gas/manual. """ self._visa_resource.write('$A{}'.format(auto_manual))
[docs] def setSweeps(self, sweep_parameters): """Sets the parameters for all sweeps. This fills up a dictionary with all the possible steps in a sweep. If a step number is not found in the sweep_parameters dictionary, then it will create the sweep step with all parameters set to 0. Args: sweep_parameters: A dictionary whose keys are the step numbers (keys: 1-16). The value of each key is a dictionary whose keys are the parameters in the sweep table (see _setSweepStep). """ steps = range(1,17) parameters_keys = sweep_parameters.keys() null_parameter = { 'set_point' : 0, 'sweep_time': 0, 'hold_time' : 0 } for step in steps: if step in parameters_keys: self._setSweepStep(step, sweep_parameters[step]) else: self._setSweepStep(step, null_parameter)
def _setSweepStep(self, sweep_step, sweep_table): """Sets the parameters for a sweep step. This sets the step pointer (x) to the proper step. Then this sets the step parameters (y1, y2, y3) to the values dictated by the sweep_table. Finally, this resets the x and y pointers to 0. Args: sweep_step: The sweep step to be modified (values: 1-16) sweep_table: A dictionary of parameters describing the sweep. Keys: set_point, sweep_time, hold_time. """ step_setting = '$x{}'.format(sweep_step) self._visa_resource.write(step_setting) setpoint_setting = '$s{}'.format( sweep_table['set_point']) sweeptime_setting = '$s{}'.format( sweep_table['sweep_time']) holdtime_setting = '$s{}'.format( sweep_table['hold_time']) self._visa_resource.write('$y1') self._visa_resource.write(setpoint_setting) self._visa_resource.write('$y2') self._visa_resource.write(sweeptime_setting) self._visa_resource.write('$y3') self._visa_resource.write(holdtime_setting) self._resetSweepTablePointers() def _resetSweepTablePointers(self): """Resets the table pointers to x=0 and y=0 to prevent accidental sweep table changes. """ self._visa_resource.write('$x0') self._visa_resource.write('$y0')