Source code for labdrivers.oxford.mercuryips

import socket

import visa

[docs]class MercuryIps: # Magnet class
[docs] class Magnet: """ Constructor for a magnet along a certain axis. :param axis: The axis for the magnet, given by ['GRPX'|'GRPY'|'GRPZ'] :type axis: string :param mode: Connection, given by ['ip'|'visa'] :type mode: string :param resource_name: VISA resource name of the MercuryIPS :type resource_name: string :param ip_address: IP address of the MercuryIPS :type ip_address: string :param port: Port number of the Mercury iPS :type port: integer :param timeout: Time to wait for a response from the MercuryIPS before throwing an error. :type timeout: float :param bytes_to_read: Amount of information to read from a response :type bytes_to_read: integer """ def __init__(self, axis, mode='ip', resource_name=None, ip_address=None, port=7020, timeout=10.0, bytes_to_read=2048): self.axis = axis self.mode = mode self.resource_name = resource_name self.resource_manager = visa.ResourceManager() self.ip_address = ip_address self.port = port self.timeout = timeout self.bytes_to_read = bytes_to_read ################### # Query functions # ####################
[docs] def query_ip(self, command): """Sends a query to the MercuryIPS via ethernet. :param command: The command, which should be in the NOUN + VERB format :type command: string :returns str: The MercuryIPS response """ with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect((self.ip_address, self.port)) s.settimeout(self.timeout) s.sendall(command.encode()) response = s.recv(self.bytes_to_read).decode() return response.decode()
[docs] def query_visa(self, command): """Sends a query to the MercuryIPS via VISA. :param command: The command, which should be in the NOUN + VERB format :type command: string :returns str: The MercuryIPS response """ instr = self.resource_manager.open_resource(self.resource_name) response = instr.query(command) instr.close() return response
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_value(response, noun, unit): """Finds the value that is contained within the response to a previously sent query. :param response: The response from a query. :type response: string :param noun: The part of the query that refers to the NOUN (refer to MercuryIPS documentation). :param unit: The measurement unit (e.g. K for Kelvin, T for Tesla). :returns float: The value of the response, but without units. """ expected_response = 'STAT:' + noun + ':' value = float(response.replace(expected_response, '').strip('\n').replace(unit, '')) return value
# Employing hash tables instead of if-else trees QUERY_AND_RECEIVE = {'ip': query_ip, 'visa': query_visa} @property def field_setpoint(self): """The magnetic field set point in Tesla""" noun = 'DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:FSET' command = 'READ:' + noun + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) return self.extract_value(response, noun, 'T') @field_setpoint.setter def field_setpoint(self, value): if ((self.axis == 'GRPZ' and (-6 <= value <= 6)) or ((self.axis == 'GRPX' or self.axis == 'GRPY') and (-1 <= value <= 1))): setpoint = str(value) command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:FSET:' + setpoint + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response from the MercuryIps after querying the field setpoint.") else: raise RuntimeError("The setpoint must be within the proper limits.") @property def field_ramp_rate(self): """The magnetic field ramp rate in Tesla per minute along the magnet axis.""" noun = 'DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:RFST' command = 'READ:' + noun + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) return self.extract_value(response, noun, 'T/m') @field_ramp_rate.setter def field_ramp_rate(self, value): ramp_rate = str(value) command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:RFST:' + ramp_rate + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response after setting a field ramp rate.") @property def current_setpoint(self): """The set point of the current for a magnet in Amperes.""" noun = 'DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:CSET' command = 'READ:' + noun + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) return self.extract_value(response, noun, 'A') @current_setpoint.setter def current_setpoint(self, value): setpoint = str(value) command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:CSET' + setpoint + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response after setting current set point.") @property def current_ramp_rate(self): """The ramp rate of the current for a magnet in Amperes per minute.""" noun = 'DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:RCST' command = 'READ:' + noun + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) return self.extract_value(response, noun, 'A/m') @current_ramp_rate.setter def current_ramp_rate(self, value): ramp_rate = str(value) command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:RCST' + ramp_rate + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response after setting current ramp rate.") @property def magnetic_field(self): """Gets the magnetic field.""" noun = 'DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:SIG:FLD' command = 'READ:' + noun + '\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) return self.extract_value(response, noun, 'T')
[docs] def ramp_to_setpoint(self): """Ramps a magnet to the setpoint.""" command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:RTOS\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response after attempting to ramp to set point.")
[docs] def ramp_to_zero(self): """Ramps a magnet from its current magnetic field to zero field.""" command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:RTOZ\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response after attempting to ramp to zero.")
[docs] def ramping(self): """Queries if magnet is ramping.""" # ask if ramping to zero # command = 'READ:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:RTOZ\n' # ask if ramping to set # command = 'READ:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:RTOS\n' # TODO: find out what kind of response you expect pass
[docs] def hold(self): """Puts a magnet in a HOLD state. This action does one of the following: 1) Stops a ramp 2) Allows the field and current to ramp """ command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:HOLD\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response after telling Mercury iPS to hold.")
[docs] def holding(self): """Queries if magnet is in a HOLD state.""" # command = 'READ:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:HOLD\n' # response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) # TODO: find out what kind of response you expect pass
[docs] def clamp(self): """Puts a magnet in a CLAMP state.""" command = 'SET:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:CLMP\n' response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) if not response: raise RuntimeWarning("No response after telling Mercury iPS to clamp.")
[docs] def clamped(self): """Queries if magnet is in a CLAMP state.""" # command = 'READ:DEV:' + self.axis + ':PSU:ACTN:CLMP\n' # response = MercuryIps.Magnet.QUERY_AND_RECEIVE[self.mode](self, command) # TODO: find out what kind of response you expect pass
def __init__(self, mode='ip', resource_name=None, ip_address=None, port=7020, timeout=10.0, bytes_to_read=2048): """ Parameters: :param str mode: The connection to the iPS, either 'ip' or 'visa' :param str resource_name: VISA resource name of the Mercury iPS :param str ip_address: IP address of the Mercury iPS :param port: Port number of the Mercury iPS :type port: integer :param timeout: Time in seconds to wait for command acknowledgment :type timeout: float :param bytes_to_read: Number of bytes to read from query :type bytes_to_read: integer """ supported_modes = ('ip', 'visa') if mode.lower().strip() in supported_modes: self.mode = mode else: raise RuntimeError('Mode is not currently supported.') self.x_magnet = MercuryIps.Magnet('GRPX', mode=mode, resource_name=resource_name, ip_address=ip_address, port=7020, timeout=timeout, bytes_to_read=bytes_to_read) self.y_magnet = MercuryIps.Magnet('GRPY', mode=mode, resource_name=resource_name, ip_address=ip_address, port=7020, timeout=timeout, bytes_to_read=bytes_to_read) self.z_magnet = MercuryIps.Magnet('GRPZ', mode=mode, resource_name=resource_name, ip_address=ip_address, port=7020, timeout=timeout, bytes_to_read=bytes_to_read)
[docs] def circle_sweep(self, field_radius, number_points): pass